[mapserver-users] Building mapserver on Solaris 10.

Бухаркин Юрий urry at swemel.ru
Thu Apr 17 01:57:34 PDT 2008

Hello again!
As decsribed in previous mail, I have Solaris 10 sparc. 
GDAL was maked smoosly  witout curl & "make install"-ed in /usr/local/.
My LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 contains "..:/usr/local/lib:..."
libgdal.so libgdal.so.1 links to libgdal.so.1.12.0 are really in
/usr/local/lib and  gdal-config is in /usr/local/bin
I started  configure:
configure --with-geotiff=internal --with-png=internal --with-jpeg=internal
--with-gif=internal --without-curl --prefix /opt/mapserver
--with-proj=/usr/local --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config 

make finished without errors.
make install advised just to copy mapserver to destination- this was done.
Tutorial exercises  works well until 1.5 -
no picture was shown, but  such message was received:
msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'modis'.
msDrawRasterLayerLow(): General error message. Attempt to render raster
layer to IMAGEMODE RGB or RGBA but without GDAL available. 24bit output
requires GDAL.

Than I even try to copy libgdal* to the same catalog with mapserver
executable- no effecs!

What im doing wrong? I have no mind more!

Sincerely Yours

Buharkin Y.A.

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