[mapserver-users] Connexion between Mapserver & MySql

Clemiou clems_mars at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 18 01:00:23 PDT 2008


I would like use Database data to print point on my map.
I searched on the web and found the method to that.
So, I have the following code in a .ovf file:



        SELECT a.oaci, lat, 'long', nom FROM terrain t,airfields a WHERE a.oaci = t.oaci




And when I run ogrinfo on this file, I obtain:

ERROR 1: MySQL connect failed for: gpvfr,user=gpvfr2,password=31p87qr2,host=localhost,port=3306,tables=terrain;airfields
Access denied for user 'gpvfr2'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Unable to open datasource `var/www/html/ms/map_files/mysql.ovf' with the following drivers.
  -> ESRI Shapefile
  -> MapInfo File
  -> UK .NTF
  -> SDTS
  -> TIGER
  -> S57
  -> DGN
  -> VRT
  -> REC
  -> Memory
  -> BNA
  -> CSV
  -> GML
  -> GPX
  -> KML
  -> GeoJSON
  -> GMT
  -> SQLite
  -> MySQL
  -> AVCBin


I'm sure of the connexion informations and MySql is installed on my system and GDAL library has been built with ogr option.

Where is the problem?

Thanks for your help and sorry for my English, I'm frenchy :)
Sincerely yours

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