[mapserver-users] PHPmapscript mouse click
Pietro Giannini
pgiannini at bytewise.it
Mon Apr 21 01:38:02 PDT 2008
Hi Carlo,
on Php you can get the mouse click coordinates on a <input type="image">
tag in a <form> on your html code, where you show the map image.
The coordinates, in pixels, can be intercepted on the $_GET['inputname_x']
and $_GET['inputname_y'] variables (or $_POST, depending on method of the
$mapimg = $map->draw();
$mapimgurl = $mapimg->saveWebImage();
<form method="get">
<input type="image" name="mapimage" src="<? echo $mapimgurl; ?>">
last click was:<br>
echo "X = ".$_GET['mapimage_x']."<br>";
echo "Y = ".$_GET['mapimage_y'];
Pietro Giannini
Bytewise srl - Area GIS
41°50'38.58"N 12°29'13.39"E
On Lun, Aprile 21, 2008 09:57, Carlo Pelliconi wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm using PHPMapscript on Mapserver 4.10.
> I'm not able to get mouse click coordinates (in pixel).
> Anyone knows how to obtain these values?
> Thank you very much
> --
> ing. Carlo Pelliconi
> c.pelliconi at sis-ter.it
> SIS.TER S.p.A.
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