[mapserver-users] multiple tiffs in one layer

Attila Berényi aberenyi at burken.hu
Mon Apr 28 08:24:45 PDT 2008

Dear topic participates,

Thanks for all the answers, I think that TILEINDEX is more useful, 
because i dont wan't to have a GROUP with a lot of layers in it.

Thanks again,


Jacolin Yves írta:
> Le Monday 28 April 2008 15:44:32 Attila Berényi, vous avez écrit :
>> Dear List,
>> I'd like to know that is it possible to display separate geotiffs on one
>> layer?
>> Now I'm able to include more than one DATA line in the LAYER
>> specification, but only the last one is displayed....
>> Any help would be very much appreciated,
>> Thanks,
>> Attila
> Hi,
> You can use TILEINDEX:
>   NAME "geosignal_5k"
>   GROUP geosignal
>   TILEINDEX "Referentiel/geosignal/IDF/5k/index.shp"
>   TILEITEM "Location"
>   ...
> GDAL-ogr could create the index shapefile with gdaltindex command.
> Regards,
> Y.
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