[mapserver-users] 5.2.0 and 5.02 differences and previous OGR problems post

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Tue Aug 5 11:03:47 EDT 2008

Derek Bain wrote:
> Hi I found the 5.2 windows binary udate using google. I installed it and 
> now the ms_debug output shows
> [Fri Jul 25 11:19:15 2008].437000 msWFSDispatch(): WFS server error. 
> Incomplete WFS request: SERVICE parameter missing

Sounds like the server is receiving a WMS or WFS request in which the 
SERVICE parameter is missing.

The SERVICE parameter is mandatory for most OGC Web Services (except old 
versions like WMS 1.0.0 if I remember correctly). MapServer did not 
enforce that rule before and started doing it in 5.2... that's why you 
didn't see this error before. The fix should be to include the 
SERVICE=... parameter in your URLs.

Daniel Morissette

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