[mapserver-users] GPS to GIS

Peter Falk peter at nexus.dk
Wed Aug 6 09:57:44 EDT 2008

Thanks for your reply.

My intension was to convert CPS-coords to GIS-coords on the fly and for 
that purpose I needed a piece of scripting (an algorithm). But if 
GPSBabel can convert data between these formats, I'll go for that.

Christy Nieman skrev:
> I've used GPSBabel (http://www.gpsbabel.org) to download data from my 
> GPS and get them into more usable formats.  It can also convert 
> between formats.
> I'm not sure what you mean by converting between GPS and GIS 
> coordinates.  If you have a delimited table of coordinates you should 
> be able to import it into a GIS to create, for example, a shapefile.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> [mapserver-users] GPS to GIS
>> From:
>> Peter Falk <peter at nexus.dk>
>> Date:
>> Wed, 06 Aug 2008 14:22:00 +0200
>> To:
>> mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
>> To:
>> mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
>> Hi,
>> I have a table of GPS-coordinates that I want to use as POI. I've 
>> tried to find an algoritm to convert GPS-coordinates to 
>> GIS-coordinates but without luck.
>> It would be a great help if anyone could tell me how to do this 
>> translation. Thanks!
>> Regards
>> Peter Falk
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Med venlig hilsen
Peter Falk
Nexus Kommunikation
Østre Messegade 2
2650 Hvidovre
36 77 00 46

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