[mapserver-users] RE: Labeling

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Aug 6 07:41:40 PDT 2008

>From your example I can see that your "ANGLE" parameter is in the wrong object it should be in the label object
to rotate the text. As is you should be throwing parsing errors. the item storing the angle need not be numeric although the values must represent numbers upon conversion.


>>> Jay Kapalczynski <jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us> 08/06/08 2:15 AM >>>
What I am trying to do is use annotation from a Geodatabase.  From what
I hear GeoMoose / Map Server will not read it.

I converted the Annotation Feature Class to a Point.

Then created a Polygon from the Annotation Feature Classes, pointing to
the Point Feature class for the Attributes (label field, degree field)

I then read the Polygons into GeoMoose and label on the field and Angle
the text by "Angle' Field.

The ANGLE call to Map Server dosent seem to work in this case

Any thoughts?

From: Jay Kapalczynski 
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 2:48 PM
To: 'mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org'
Subject: Labeling


Don't know if I have to correct location.


I have been successful labeling street centerlines using the ANGLE
FOLLOW in the .map File

This is being performed on a Shapefile Line feature


I also have a Polygon Feature that has a field that I am trying to
label....once again I need the text to follow the polygon 

As you can see from the image the road names a following properly, but
the labels for the polygons are not following...

I tried the ANGLE FOLLOW on the Polygon and It will not draw..

I tried ANGLE [Angle] with Angle being a field name that holds Degree
values (ex 270) does the field have to be numeric?



Is there some other syntax that I have to put in the map file that will
force the text to follow the Polygon?









LAYER # Maple Grove Streets Name

                    NAME Streets_Labels

                    DATA './GEOCODED_CENTERLINES2.shp'

                    STATUS DEFAULT

                    TYPE annotation

                    MAXSCALE 6000

                    MINSCALE 100

                    LABELITEM 'STREET_NAM'


                                LABELCACHE ON


                       COLOR -1 -1 -1


                                TYPE TRUETYPE

                                FONT vera_sans

                                ANGLE FOLLOW

                                POSITION AUTO

                                MAXSIZE 10

                                SIZE 8

                                MINSIZE 8

                                ANTIALIAS TRUE

                                COLOR 0 0 0

                                OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 192

                                BUFFER 2



  END # Maple Grove Streets Name




                LAYER # Maple Grove Parcels

                    NAME Parcel_Labels

                    DATA './parcels.shp'

                    STATUS DEFAULT

                    TYPE annotation

                    MAXSCALE 2500

                    MINSCALE 100

                    LABELITEM 'TextString'


                   ANGLE [Angle]

                   POSITION AUTO

                   PARTIALS FALSE


                                LABELCACHE ON


                       COLOR -1 -1 -1


                                TYPE TRUETYPE

                                FONT vera_sans

                                MAXSIZE 8

                                SIZE 8

                                MINSIZE 2

                                #ANTIALIAS TRUE

                                COLOR 0 0 0

                                OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 128

                                BUFFER 2



  END # Maple Grove Parcels


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