[mapserver-users] Image quality when cascading getMap (v5.2)

Van Ulden, Joost jvanulde at nrcan.gc.ca
Wed Aug 6 12:03:19 EDT 2008

Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone else has come across this issue; cascaded getmap returns poor quality images.  Please see attached.  Both images are generated using the same layer/sld/service.  I am using the AGG/PNG driver.  Has anything changed in v5.2 that we should know about?  Any ideas on where to look?
Thank you in advance,
Joost van Ulden

Natural Resources Canada / Ressources Naturelles Canada 
625 Robson Street / 625 rue Robson
Vancouver, B.C. / Vancouver (C.B.) V6B 5J3

tel/tél: 604.666.7525
fax/télécopieur: 604.666.1124
email / courriel: jvanulde at nrcan.gc.ca
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Name: getmap_cascaded.png
Type: image/x-png
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Desc: getmap_cascaded.png
Url : http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-users/attachments/20080806/62a89006/getmap_cascaded-0001.bin
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Name: getmap_not_ cascaded.png
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Desc: getmap_not_ cascaded.png
Url : http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-users/attachments/20080806/62a89006/getmap_not_cascaded-0001.bin

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