[mapserver-users] MAXFEATURES or FEATURE_COUNT w/ WMS call, output text/html

Josh Marcus jmarcus at avencia.com
Mon Aug 11 13:04:21 EDT 2008

Hey there,

I was wondering if I could get some help or advice on using the
FEATURE_COUNT (or MAXFEATURES) parameter with a WMS call.  I'm using
Mapserver 4.99.

My output type is text/html, which I'm using to generate JSON.  The data
layer is a postgresql/postgis database.  In general, it's working fine --
except that I want to limit the response to a maximum number of features.
Passing in a FEATURE_COUNT cgi parameter seems to have no effect at all.
Interestingly, passing in MAXFEATURES (with any value) limits the output to
a single feature.

Any help would be great.  Thanks!

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