[mapserver-users] Memoryproblem

Hallgren, Johan johan.hallgren at logica.com
Tue Aug 12 05:24:43 EDT 2008


I have a major problem when using imgMapObj.getBytes().

The memory will be corrupt. The problem doesn't occur when using the save function.  I have not seen the problem on other servers so the problem seams to be related to a specific server (Windows Server 2003 standard edition).

Error msg


Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

   at OSGeo.MapServer.mapscriptPINVOKE.imageObj_getBytes(HandleRef jarg1, SWIGByteArrayDelegate jarg2)
   at OSGeo.MapServer.imageObj.getBytes(SWIGByteArrayDelegate callback)
   at OSGeo.MapServer.imageObj.getBytes()
   at WMData.GIS.GMSAgent_WP.Libs.MapEngine.Get_Image(XmlDocument xmlDoc, Boolean bRetImage) in C:\Project\applications\GMS\GMSAgent_WP\Libs\MapEngine.cs:line 298

I use mapserver in c# and I have version 5.2.0.
Johan Hallgren
Pelle Bergs backe 3
Box 1938, 791 19 Falun
Tel (och mobil): 023-547 46 (int: +46-2354746)
johan.hallgren at logica.com<mailto:johan.hallgren at logica.com>

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