[mapserver-users] 5.2 Problems

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Tue Aug 12 03:14:53 PDT 2008

You ask for WMS and get back WFS error message, is this really your situation?
-Jukka Rahkonen-


	Lähettäjä: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Puolesta Derek Bain
	Lähetetty: 12. elokuuta 2008 12:57
	Vastaanottaja: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
	Aihe: [mapserver-users] 5.2 Problems
	I updated ms4w using the 2.2.8 installer. Now I get this error in ms_error.txt "msWFSDispatch(): WFS server error. Incomplete WFS request: SERVICE parameter missing".
	I added the service parameter and i still get the error. Here is my onlineresource
	            "wms_onlineresource"    "http://localhost:8082/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=d:/MyTestData/Shapes.map&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1"
	Using the above url, my WMS client gets back the WMS tree (layers in the map file) with no errors added to ms_error.txt.
	Any ideas on what is happening

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