[MAPSERVER-USERS] Problems calculating MAXSCALES

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Aug 13 15:26:07 EDT 2008

It's likely the desktop product you're using uses a different pixel model than MapServer's 
center-to-center model. The code in 4.8.3 was incorrect so I'm not sure what we can 
do. A WMS extent simply isn't equal to a MapServer extent. The MapServer WMS and WCS 
code account for the difference between the MapServer and OGC models by transforming
between models (shrink or expand by .5 pixels).

My opinion is that you adjust the reference scales in your mapfile based on the now correct 
output from 5.0.2. 


>>> On 8/13/2008 at 9:07 AM, in message
<f3b73b7d0808130707r2df2aeeg826ed5f07dbc033a at mail.gmail.com>, "Tamas Szekeres"
<szekerest at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/8/13 Rob <gis at vanbooth.com>:
>> If I change the (width-1) to be width, then I get scale figures that
>> correspond to what I would expect, and what the ESRI GIS Clients
>> hitting my WMS service seems to think that the scale should be.  From
>> the dates in TRAC it certainly looks like this was changed between
>> 4.8.3 and 5.0.2.
> I'd prefer back out r6529 and go with a double based calculation
> instead of it. However I'm not sure how this will affect the original
> problem, so you should reopen this bug by pointing out the problems
> with the current scale calculation you encountered.
> Best regards,
> Tamas
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