[mapserver-users] How to display vector symbols (direction and magnitude) in MapServer?

John Maurer maurerj at nsidc.org
Thu Aug 14 17:42:49 EDT 2008

Dear MapServer Users,
Does anybody have experience displaying vectors in MapServer? By 
"vectors", I don't mean the usual vector vs. raster difference. What I 
mean is displaying data like wind vectors, which are point locations 
that have both a direction (degrees) and magnitude (e.g. meters per 
second). Usually these are displayed as arrows, which each point in a 
certain direction and whose tails vary in length depending on the 
magnitude each measurement. Is this possible in MapServer? Thanks for 
any suggestions!
Best Regards,
John Maurer

John Maurer
Web/Database Applications Engineer
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
University of Colorado at Boulder
"Without geography, you're nowhere!"

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