[mapserver-users] RE: Stress test wms demo application

bartvde at osgis.nl bartvde at osgis.nl
Mon Aug 18 04:19:32 EDT 2008

Hi Albrecht,

the client used is Flamingo Map Components, an open source Flash client
originating from The Netherlands, see:


Best regards,

> Hi Stijn,
> the Service works very good. Especially the client does its job very well!
> Which client did youo use?
> Best
> Albrecht
> Albrecht Weiser,
> E6, GIS Center
> Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung (HZD)
> Mainzer Straße 29, 65185 Wiesbaden
> Tel.:  0611 340-3113
> Fax:  0611 340-5113
> E-Mail: albrecht.weiser-at-hzd.hessen.de
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:17:15 +0200
>> From: "Stijn Tallir" <st at aquaterra.be>
>> Subject: [mapserver-users] Stress test wms demo application
>> To: <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Message-ID: <19F99C8C1DB44B5FA9976A663A935491 at stijnt>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>> Hi,
>> My company plans to deliver our raster catalog through a
>> mapserver powered
>> WMS and I need the server to be real world stress tested.
>> Please check out my demo application for showcasing our new
>> mapservice:
>> http://www.aquaterra.
>> <http://www.aquaterra.be/nl/mapservice/mapservice_demo/>
>> be/nl/mapservice/mapservice_demo/
>> Thanks,
>> Stijn
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