[mapserver-users] Change a class name by url

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Aug 19 01:10:45 EDT 2008

hmm, u might also refer to the 5.0 migration guide, in case it helps 

I have also seen a variation of this error: 

Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

Jefferson Bauer wrote:
> Hello
> I was upgrading my
> mapserver from 4.6 to 5.2 (using MS4W v2.2.8 ) and everything was ok
> utntil i run a function that change the name of a CLASS by URL. My
> mapfile have a layer like:
> NAME    municipio
>     ... 
>         NAME   
> "sedes"
>         ...
> END 
> I'm using mapserver as
> CGI and to do the change in 4.6 i use this:
> &map_municipio_sedes_name=newname
> Now in 5.2 i read this
> article:
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/reference/cgi/referencemanual-all-pages
> So, the new way to do
> what i want must be something
> like:
> &map_layer[municipio]_class[sedes]_name=newname
> or
> &map_layer[0]_class[0]_name=newname
> But it's not working... I receive this error: 
> loadClass(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (name):(line 1) 
> Am i doing something
> wrong or this change is not allowed anymore?
> Thanks,
> Jefferson Bauer

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