[mapserver-users] howto draw amount of points features of one layer depending on scale

Nils Zierath nils.zierath at uni-bonn.de
Tue Aug 26 11:57:23 EDT 2008

Nils Zierath schrieb:
> Dear list,
> I got a layer with gps points. On the largest scale of my map

I was talking about the smallest scale, off course

> symbols for points overlap and are not distinguishable from one another 
> since they are too close together.
> Is it possible to tell mapserver to draw only that many of the 
> points/symbols that do not overlap, so that more points will be shown 
> the more I zoom into the map?
> Thank you,
> Nils
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Nils Zierath

ZEF 10 Years
1997-2007: 10 Years of Development Research
on Economic, Cultural, and Ecological Change
in the Developing World

Center for Development Research
Department of Ecology and Resource Management

Walter-Flex-Strasse 3
53113 Bonn (Germany)

Tel.:   +49 (0) 228 - 73-1793
FAX:    +49 (0) 228 - 73-1889

E-Mail: nils.zierath at uni-bonn.de
Web:    http://www.coffee.uni-bonn.de

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