[MAPSERVER-USERS] New cache mechanism

Pål Kristensen pal.kristensen at statkart.no
Thu Aug 28 05:56:54 PDT 2008


One big difference is that GeoCache is written in .Net, while tilecache.org
is written in python. But more important is that one of the main targets for
the GeoCache development is to make the cache capable of answering regular
WMS GetMap request (not only WMS-C), and in that way be totally transparent
to the end user. This has the potential to speed up regular WMS services by
maybe 10 times or more. There are some obvious challenges in achieving this:

1) How to handle different projections in the requests?
2) How to handle layers and group layers?

The developers does understand this issues, and they will be solved. At the
moment there is no "show-stoppers". Further the GeoCache shall be able to
build cache on demand, in the areas requested by the users.

The GeoCache is also designed form scratch to be fast, at the moment the
GeoCache software has no trouble delivering 500 tiles pr second, on one
regular low-end server.

FCampos wrote:
> Hi,
> what are the diferences between tilecahce and geocache ? 
> What geocache does better than tilecache ? 
> cheers.
> Filipe 
> Pål Kristensen wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority (statkart) has developed a new
>> open source cache mechanism called geoCache, for use with WMS services.
>> The project is part of a larger research activity which is being
>> performed by statkart and Gecko Informasjonssystemer AS (www.gecko.no),
>> partially founded by Innovation Norway
>> (www.innovasjonnorge.no/system/Global-toppmeny/English/). The research
>> activity will be carried out to the end of 2009.
>> GeoCache is based on the tilecache.org project, but is completely
>> rewritten, version 0.1 is published at codeplex
>> (http://www.codeplex.com/geoCache).
>> GeoCache will be subject to extensive development, and one of the main
>> projects in the research activity the next year. Some of the new features
>> that will be developed first is:
>>  - the ability make geoCache response to regular WMS GetMap requests, not
>> only WMS-C.
>>  - partially cache updates
>>  - dynamic cache generation (cache is generated by use)
>>  - cross platform support (Linux and Windows as a minimum) and support
>> for apache
>> Regards,
>> Pål Kristensen

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