[mapserver-users] reprojection

CLAY.LINC CLAY.LINC at flsenate.gov
Fri Aug 29 09:37:08 EDT 2008

Hello Attila,


I posted the item below to the OpenLayers forum regarding a similar problem.  As noted in the posting, if the overlay is not visible by default the initial placement of the layer is off.  However, any map move that fetches the data again fixes the problem.  I have received no answers to the posting nor have I figured it out myself yet.  This posting includes the map file and the OpenLayers example.


In addition to what is in the posting below, you need to include the Google projection (900913) definition in the PROJ4 data file.  Information on that can be found  at this posting:




If you are using PostGIS, you will need to do both items 1 and  2.  If you are not using PostGIS, then I believe you only need item 1.  Also, thanks to Paul Ramsey, if you add the Google projection definition to the top of the PROJ4 epsg file (as well as the definitions of the other projections/coordinate systems you are using) MapServer will make your map faster.  (Thanks Paul, this make a perceptible difference!).


I hope this helps,


Best regards,




--- OpenLayers Posting ---


Using an overlay layer projected by MS (OpenLayer.MapServer object) to Google (and Virtual Earth, EPSG 900913), if the overlay layer is initially visible (visibility: true) then the overlay layer is correctly placed.  If the initial visibility is false, then upon the first fetch of the layer, it is NOT correctly placed.  However, any subsequent map navigation that causes a fetch of the data correctly places the overlay layer.  This behavior is consistent using the layer switcher control and manually turning the layer on and off (not including the layer switcher control).


The relevant portions of code are below.  Sorry it is a bit long, but it is needed for completeness.


Hopefully this is a newbie error on my part.  


Any ideas?






MS Map File Fragment...



            "init=epsg:900913"  #Google

  END #end projection



            NAME "senate"

            connectiontype postgis

            connection "user=xxxx password=xxxx dbname=xxxx host=xxxx port=xxxx"

            data "geom from s17s0036_shapes"



            END #end projection

            TYPE polygon

            STATUS OFF



                        OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0

                        WIDTH 3

                  END #end style

            END #end class

  END #end layer



            NAME "senate_go"

            connectiontype postgis

            connection "user=xxx password=xxx dbname=xxx host=xxx port=xxx"

            data "geom from s17s0036_go"



            END #end projection

            TYPE polygon

            STATUS OFF

            #MINSCALE 7000000



                        OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0

                        WIDTH 3

                  END #end style

            END #end class

  END #end layer


900913 projection defined to PROJ4 and PostGIS per Subha Ramakrishnan's MapServer posting of last week.


I used the OpenLayers Google Overlay example.  I'm a newbie so it's not real pretty....  In this code, I was trying to see if the layer switcher control was the issue so I did not include it and manually toggled layer visibility.


    <script type="text/javascript">

        var map;

                        var senate;

                        var senate_go;


        function init() {


                              map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', 



                              var gmap_r = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("Google Streets",

                                          {projection: "EPSG:900913"}



                              senate_go = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer( "State Senate Google",

                                    "http://xxx/cgi-bin/mywms.exe", {map: 'wms_senate_go.map', layers: 'senate_go',

                                    transparent: true, sphericalMercator: true


                                    { visibility: true, singleTile: true, opacity: 0.5 } );


                              senate = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer( "State Senate",

                                    "http://xxx/cgi-bin/mywms.exe", {map: 'wms_senate_go.map', layers: 'senate',

                                    transparent: true, sphericalMercator: true


                                    { visibility: true, singleTile: true, opacity: 0.5 } );




                              map.zoomToExtent(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-87.6, 24.3, -79.8, 31.1));


                              document.getElementById('cb_senate').checked = false;

                              document.getElementById('cb_senate_go').checked = false;



                        function toggleLayer(layer) {

                              if (layer == 'senate') {

                                    if (document.getElementById('cb_senate').checked) {map.addLayer(senate)}

                                    else {map.removeLayer(senate)}



                                    if (document.getElementById('cb_senate_go').checked) {map.addLayer(senate_go)}

                                    else {map.removeLayer(senate_go)}




  <body onload="init()">

    <h1 id="title">OpenLayers Google Example</h1>


    <div id="tags"></div>



        <input id="cb_senate" type="checkbox" value="senate" onclick="toggleLayer(this.value)" /> Senate (EPSG:4269) <br>

        <input id="cb_senate_go" type="checkbox" value="senate_go" onclick="toggleLayer(this.value)" /> Senate (EPSG:900913) <br>



    <div id="map"></div>







From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Berényi Attila
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 9:21 AM
To: _mapserver
Subject: [mapserver-users] reprojection


Dear All,

I have a lot of data in epsg:23700 (HD-72 EOV), and I try to display it as an overlay over Google Map (epsg:900913) in Openlayers trough WMS. Theoretically it is possible to do this but I have no success at all...Which projection should I define in tha main MAP part? And in the LAYER part?
Have anybody done something like this before? If yes, please help me.

Thanks in advance,

Attila Berényi 

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