[mapserver-users] wfs data conversion with ogr2ogr?

bartvde at osgis.nl bartvde at osgis.nl
Tue Dec 16 01:58:20 PST 2008

If you look at the XML schema, i.e.


the optional field VERWALTUNG should contain the geometry.

Apparently these are not filled in the dataset that the WFS uses.

So you are doing nothing wrong, and I think you should contact the
maintainer of the WFS to ask if VERWALTUNG is present in any feature or
that it is always non-existant.

Best regards,

> Hash: SHA1
> Frank Warmerdam schrieb:
>> Knut Behrends wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have received data from a WFS that was returned in this format:
>>> (Sample feature member)
>>>   <gml:featureMember>
>>>     <featureSet_704 fid="featureSet_704-feature_1732">
>>>       <gml:boundedBy>
>>>         <gml:Box>
>>>           <gml:coord>
>>>             <gml:X>4436682.0</gml:X>
>>>             <gml:Y>5783076.0</gml:Y>
>>>           </gml:coord>
>>>           <gml:coord>
>>>             <gml:X>4441086.0</gml:X>
>>>             <gml:Y>5786776.0</gml:Y>
>>>           </gml:coord>
>>>         </gml:Box>
>>>       </gml:boundedBy>
>>>       <GEOM_ID>1732</GEOM_ID>
>>>       <NAME>Marienborn</NAME>
>>>     </featureSet_704>
>>>   </gml:featureMember>
>> ...
>>> After successful conversion, however, only the GEOM_ID and the NAME are
>>> exported. The spatial information is ignored lost during the
>>> conversion.
>>> Maybe it's in the wrong format, but it is obviously present  in the GML
>>> fragment above. What can I do to convert the spatial information that
>>> is
>>> contained in the <X> and <Y> elements?
>> Knut,
>> The above feature fragment from a WFS lacks a geometry properly.  The
>> boundedBy properly is normally ignored by OGR.  Following is a simple
>> example of a GML feature with a point geometry attribute.
>>   <gml:featureMember>
>>     <airports fid="2">
>>       <NAME>Bowstring Municipal Airport</NAME>
>>       <LAT>     47.5583</LAT>
>>       <LON>    -93.8689</LON>
>>       <ELEVATION>   1372.0000</ELEVATION>
>>       <QUADNAME>Jessie Lake</QUADNAME>
>> <ogr:geometryProperty><gml:Point><gml:coordinates>434634,5267578</gml:coordinates></gml:Point></ogr:geometryProperty>
>>     </airports>
>>   </gml:featureMember>
>> If you can influence your WFS, then producing something a bit like this
>> might be good.
> The (non-UMN-mapserver based) WFS is public, and I am acting as a WFS
> client, merely retrieving data. Maybe it's just the HTTP GET request
> that was misspelled or incomplete.
> This was my request:
> http://geoportal.geodaten.sachsen-anhalt.de/geodatenportal/servlet/gtEntryPoint?&REQUEST=GetFeature&VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&TYPENAME=featureSet_704&BBOX=4400161.55779751,5779082.69612775,4502841.70515686,5881251.07072079&MAXFEATURES=100
> Are these the correct URL parameters?
> - --
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> Knut Behrends                         Phone: +49 (0) 331 288 1688
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