[mapserver-users] mapserver 5.2.1, centos 4.5 x86_64, compile errors using AGG

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue Dec 16 14:01:41 PST 2008

Hi all,

I'm getting the following compile error with mapserver 5.2.1 on a new 
centos 4.5 x86_64 box. Is this a known problem? Have a fix? I didn't see 
anything helpful googling for it. Thoughts?

./configure \
   --enable-runpath \
   --enable-ignore-missing-data \
   --enable-debug \
   --with-httpd=/usr/sbin/httpd \
   --with-proj=/usr \
   --with-agg \
   --with-gd \
   --with-png \
   --with-freetype \
   --with-postgis \
   --without-tiff \


MapServer is now configured for

  -------------- Compiler Info -------------
   C compiler:                gcc -g -O2 -fPIC -Wall
   C++ compiler:              g++ -g -O2 -fPIC -Wall
   Debug:                     -g  -DNEED_NONBLOCKING_STDERR
   Generic NINT:

  -------------- Renderer Settings ---------
   zlib support:              -DUSE_ZLIB
   png support:
   palette rgba png support:
   jpeg support:              -DUSE_JPEG
   iconv support:             -DUSE_ICONV
   AGG support:               -DUSE_AGG
   AGG Freetype support:      -laggfontfreetype
   Ming(flash) support:
   PDFLib support:

  -------------- Support Libraries ---------
   Proj.4 support:            -DUSE_PROJ
   Libxml2 support:
   FriBidi support:
   Curl support:              -DUSE_CURL
   FastCGI support:
   Threading support:
   GEOS support:

  -------------- Data Format Drivers -------
   native tiff support:
   PostGIS support:           -DUSE_POSTGIS
   EPPL7 support:             -DUSE_EPPL
   ArcSDE support:
   OGR support:
   GDAL support:
   Oracle Spatial support:

  -------------- OGC Services --------------
   WMS Server:                -DUSE_WMS_SVR
   WMS Client:                -DUSE_WMS_LYR
   WFS Server:
   WFS Client:                -DUSE_WMS_LYR
   WCS Server:
   SOS Server:

  -------------- MapScript -----------------
   PHP MapScript:             no


-I/usr/include/agg2 -I/usr/include/freetype2  -I/usr/include 
-I/usr/include           -O3 -Wno-uninitialized mapagg.cpp -o mapagg.o
mapagg.h:37: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'const_row_info' with 
no type
mapagg.h:37: error: typedef name may not be a nested-name-specifier
mapagg.h:37: error: expected ';' before '<' token
mapagg.h:96: error: 'row_data' does not name a type
/usr/include/agg2/agg_pixfmt_rgba.h: In instantiation of 
agg::order_bgra>, mapserv_row_ptr_cache<int>, int>':
mapagg.cpp:832:   instantiated from here
/usr/include/agg2/agg_pixfmt_rgba.h:1637: error: no type named 
'row_data' in 'class mapserv_row_ptr_cache<int>'
/usr/include/agg2/agg_pixfmt_rgba.h:1675: error: no type named 
'row_data' in 'class mapserv_row_ptr_cache<int>'
mapagg.cpp: In member function 'void 
AGGMapserverRenderer::renderEllipse(double, double, double, double, 
double, agg::rgba8&, agg::rgba8&, double)':
mapagg.cpp:299: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp: In function 'void msCircleDrawShadeSymbolAGG(symbolSetObj*, 
imageObj*, pointObj*, double, styleObj*, double)':
mapagg.cpp:1056: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp:1080: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp:1123: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp:1156: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp: In function 'void msDrawMarkerSymbolAGG(symbolSetObj*, 
imageObj*, pointObj*, styleObj*, double)':
mapagg.cpp:1285: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp: In function 'void drawPolylineMarkers(imageObj*, shapeObj*, 
symbolSetObj*, styleObj*, double)':
mapagg.cpp:1411: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp:1412: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp:1413: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp: In function 'void msDrawLineSymbolAGG(symbolSetObj*, 
imageObj*, shapeObj*, styleObj*, double)':
mapagg.cpp:1692: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp: In function 'void msDrawShadeSymbolAGG(symbolSetObj*, 
imageObj*, shapeObj*, styleObj*, double)':
mapagg.cpp:1815: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp:1867: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
mapagg.cpp:1924: error: 'class agg::path_storage' has no member named 
make: *** [mapagg.o] Error 1

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