[mapserver-users] umn map server requested url not found on this server error

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Dec 30 06:16:16 PST 2008

cemre yilmaz wrote:
> Hello everybody;
> I have installed ms4w on my PC succesfully. I have typed 
> "http://localhost/" on my web browser and main page of map server 
> opened. After I  tested if the server is working properly then I have 
> create a folder called "tfc" in *C:/ms4w/apps*  and I have created a 
> configuration file in the folder *c:/ms4w/httpd.d* folder called 
> *httpd_tfc.conf *and I typed;
> Alias /tfc/ "/ms4w/apps/tfc/"
> <Directory "/ms4w/apps/tfc/">
> AllowOverride None
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> </Directory>
> When I typed "http://localhost/tfc/" on web browser normally  I should 
> see the empty file but there is a message on the opened page that 
> "server requested url not found on this server " error 404. What should 
> be the reason? I don't understand what is wrong. Why server can't find 
> the folder. 
> Note: I have restarted the apache server after the configuration file.
> Could you please inform me about this problem it is very urgent. Thanks 
> a lot. 

Your steps look valid.  I don't have the answer, but if that was me I 
would try the following:

- I might purposely make an error in httpd_tfc.conf (such as have 
"AllowOverride None1") and open a Command window and execute 
c:/ms4w/apache-restart.bat .......just to verify that an error is 
reported and I am modifying the correct Apache
- I might also download another MS4W add-on package (such as the 
"PHP/MapScript Sample Application") and restart apache, and see if I can 
access it in the web browser
_ I would then just copy that add-on folder in /ms4w/apps/ and give the 
new folder a name, and copy/rename the /ms4w/httpd.d/httpd_gmap.conf 
file and restart Apache....that process should work if the other add-on 
application worked in Apache.

Happy holidays to all.

Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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