Feedback request for a Modified GeoMoose client.

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Wed Feb 6 15:16:58 PST 2008


Looking for comments on the following Flash video related to possible
future directions of GeoMoose development.  Beware, this is a 15 meg
file, but it does stream pretty well.

I did this video  quite a while back, in Nov of 2006.  This was an early
prototype of GeoMoose code (actaully, before it was even called
GeoMoose), it's known internally as GISmo.   You'll see that the
operational ideas were a bit different in this version, but the majority
of it was functional.   This code base was used for the distributed
version of GeoMoose as it now is distributed.

The currently distributed version of GeoMoose is in a simpler form
because the majority of users and development partners were after an
interface that would be simple and easy to learn and use, primarily for
General Internet users for map browsing.  

This proved to be a good decision I believe based on the positive
acceptance of the GeoMoose product by it's adopters to date.

The feedback that I'm looking for is, should we (re)examine the idea of
going back to this earlier development track with more emphasis on some
GIS analysis capabilities vs the data discovery method that GeoMoose is
currently distributed with.

BTW, a lot of the tools described in this interface, is still pertinent
to the released version of GeoMoose.

Let the feedback begin . . . 


****************  You can't be late until you show up.  ***************
************  You never learn anything by doing it right.  ************
***  War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.  ***

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