[mapserver-users] Symbol placement inconsistency.

Dave Weaver dave.weaver at zen.co.uk
Thu Feb 28 03:21:08 PST 2008

MapServer doesn't seem to be entirely consistent with placement of symbols.

Consider these 2 overlapping images:


This is causing me problems.  I need to generate lots of map tiles covering
a large area. These tiles need to be able to be displayed next to each other
seamlessly. To avoid partial symbols on the edge of tiles, I'm rendering
tiles too large then trimming off a 256-pixel border around each. However,
when symbols are plotted in different places on adjacent tiles, I'm getting
partial symbols around the edge of my trimmed tiles which *don't* have a
corresponding partial symbol on the adjacent tile. (if you see what I mean).

I'm using MapServer 5.0.0 from the ms4w package.

What can I do to cure my problem?

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