New MapServer Demo (feedback requested)

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jan 3 21:12:15 PST 2008

On Jan 3, 2008 12:50 PM, Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at> wrote:
> Hi all: I've got some time to put together a new demo for MapServer and would to get feedback from
> the community on what it should look like. Currently there are a number of options out there but none
> of them are very comprehensive. Demos that I know about include:
>   - the Itasca demo application (came out of the MUM1 meeting):
>   - Perry Nacionales' MapServer tutorial:
>   - Mobile Geographics' MapServer Recipies:
>   - MN DNR MapServer Test Suite:
>   - Various MS4W packages:
> There are of course lots of questions:
>   - should a demo be installable, hosted or both
>   - what data should it use
>   - should it cover just MapServer configuration (e.g. mapfiles)
>   - should it cover installation as well or should that be left to how-to's
>   - what relationship to other packages (e.g. OpenLayers, TileCache, Ka-map) should be demo'd
> Any feedback would be much appreciated.
> Steve

I like the DNR MapServer Test Suite (and the Openlayer examples)
because they a small, focused examples that illustrate a very specific
concept or function. The user is then free to string together the bits
and pieces as they need them.

I think installation instructions belong in how-to's

I think MapServer demos should be independent of clients, or other
packages  (OpenLayers, TileCache, Ka-map).

But that's just one guy's opinions.

Thanks for all you do Steve.


Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at

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