AGG: "fuzzy" lines at near horizontal/vertical angles ...

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jan 8 06:40:22 PST 2008

that's how the agg antialiasing works, I'm sorry but I don't think
there's a way to avoid that. As david points out, the effect is
amplified if the feature is drawn mutiple times, eg with adjacent
outlined polygons.

you can observe the same kind of output on all webmaps.,-3.691406&spn=53.567248,81.210938&z=4&om=1
on the line between mauritania and mali
on the yellow/red road east of huesca and north of tierz


concerning the format, you can probably get smaller images using the
formatoptions to either quantize or use a forced palette (which is
faster if the palette contains exactly 256 colors)


On Jan 8, 2008 12:40 PM, Flavio Hendry <flavio at> wrote:
> Hi list, hi Thomas
> When using AGG output, lines at near horizontal/vertical angles become
> "fuzzy". Any idea how to avoid that?
> Example see
> - lines on the right are perfect
> - lines on the upper left area are "fuzzy"
> Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
> Flavio Hendry
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