
Brent Wood pcreso at PCRESO.COM
Tue Jan 8 10:01:45 PST 2008

--- Ed McNierney <ed at TOPOZONE.COM> wrote:

> Brent -
> I have to disagree with such a sweeping generalization concerning Windows and
> Linux servers.  Having run both Windows and Linux servers for MapServer,
> MySQL, PostGIS and other applications for several years, I find it hard to
> claim that on identical hardware one is noticeably faster or slower than the
> other.  Your mileage can (and obviously does) vary, but since you're running
> on two different machines your "inferior" system may well be better suited to
> the load you're giving it than the Windows system.  I'm sure there are
> exceptions, and applications where there IS a noticeable difference between
> otherwise identical systems, but my experience does not show that a broad
> statement based on your observations on one pair of servers is warranted.

Hi Ed, 

I agree in general, but with this particular Mapserver/PostGIS/Java
application, this is exactly the result we had. The tech support was more
Windows capable than Linux, the result was totally unexpected, and so far
unexplained. Hence the abstracting of the PostGIS/Mapserver using WMS to
support the application. We found no need to further separate PostGIS &
Mapserver to meet performance needs, but this is obviously feasible.

The performance of a repeat query under Windows & Linux I have tried several
times, & Linux has been invariably faster than Windows the second time around,
but as I said, the initial un-cached query times were similar. In situations
where a substantial amount of of data is in memory vs being read from disk, I
believe Linux (especially 64bit) will outperform Windows (generally still

Another example, I recently helped put a 16 core mini-cluster for fisheries
modelling together. (Note: very different loads to a mapserver/PostGIS
application- mostly diskless). We benchmarked AMD vs Intel & Linux vs Windows,
fairly thoroughly, with surprising (to me, at least) results.

Supposedly similar AMD A64 dual core & Intel Core Duo cpus (according to
published benchmarks) ran very differently, with AMD winning by 15-20% runtimes
on several hour long iterations. On the same (AMD & Intel) hardware, Linux beat
Windows by 20-30%. The Windows binary running under wine ran 10-15% faster than

natively under Windows.

This may differ from your experiences, but that's why a forum like this
usefully allows a variety of input from many people. It's also why running your
own benchmarks for your own application is a very good idea.

I recommend where possible people do benchmark their own applications, because
I have found it not uncommon for particular apps to behave unexpectedly, and
identifying specific hardware bottlenecks can obviously be very useful.

> First, the load Kim is talking about is quite light.  If there are 200 hits
> per hour, and a 3x increase is expected, that's 600 hits per hour or 10 hits
> per minute; one hit every six seconds.

Perhaps, 1.5m points is a rough fixture, but how many are to be rendered in any
one map? Introducing polygons makes it very hard to know what PostGIS response
times will be, without knowing exactly how complex the polygons are. High
resolution coastlines with millions of points per feature vs square cells. The
former may well require more than 6 seconds to return a query result. Is
PostGIS or Mapserver doing any vector or raster reprojection? Again, this can
substantially impact performance.

I agree, the simple numbers suggest that the load will not be huge, but the
main thrust (or at least intent) of my response was that optimising data
pre-reprojecting data if required, etc, will often yield better performance
improvements than adding another spindle to an array or a couple of cpu cores. 

> Second, I think it's very important to separate the MapServer and PostGIS
> portions of the application, at least for discussion purposes.  The optimal
> arrangement for each application may not be the same, and there may need to
> be some compromise if they're to run on one system.

I agree here totally. Note my illustration of abstracting mapserver/postgis
from the application server. The suggested loads, as you detail them, don't
really imply that further separation via hardware is really needed, at least
not without more information as above. And asking for hardware advice without
an indicative budget is always difficult to answer except in generalities.

More fast disk & memory :-) 

> Third, I do agree that fast RAID 5 disks and lots of RAM are always a good
> idea!
> Finally, I think the most important think to remember is to work with what
> you know.  If your staff are accustomed to and trained in using Windows
> systems, moving to Linux is hard and expensive - in terms of training,
> consultants, time to resolve issues, etc.  The reverse is equally true. 
> There is a high cost of moving to an operating system environment you don't
> know, and there needs to be a very good reason why you're willing to incur
> that cost.  The suggestion that Kim "go to Linux ASAP" is a very expensive
> suggestion if the needed Linux skills aren't available.  IMHO, the first step
> is to ensure optimal hardware design using the operating system Kim's most
> familiar with.

Except that Kim did say they were looking to do this anyway. My experience
suggests Linux _may_ offer substantial performance benefits. Quite a different
situation to where they are a strictly Windows house with no intent to migrate
at all. In which case I would agree with you 100% :-)

If they have the time & resources, a benchmarking exercise of a prototype
application to give some real world numbers could be very useful. But generally
this is unrealistically expensive & people ask lists like this for advice
instead :-)



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