Howto: SDE attribute domains & getfeatureinfo

Diego Guidi diegoguidi at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 14 10:50:22 EST 2008

I'm playing with Mapserver 5.0 WMS support, and I'm very happy to look
at how mapserver is fast reading a lot of data from a SDE/Oracle
datasource and serving them as WMS server, but... I need to know if
it's possible to show attribute domains.
Let me explain: i have a large dataset and a set of sde data sources
that have attributes mapped to "attribute domains".
This means that for my road table i have an attribute called TYPES
that contains values like 01, 02, 03 and more...
values for this codes are in another table in SDE database that
contains values like 01 = highway, 02 = simple road, and more...
When i use getfeatureinfo i need to show the "real" values of my
attributes (highway, simple road, ecc...) but at this time MapServer
(and GeoServer too...) shows the codes (10, 02, 03)...
Any suggestion to resolve this problem? I need to manually query the
SDE db, or MapServer it's able to do all this work if correctly
Thanks in advance.
Diego Guidi

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