Bounding boxes

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Tue Jan 15 19:29:10 EST 2008

Chip Taylor wrote:
> Ok, a wild stab in the dark here.  Does anyone have, or know where to find,
> or have any ideas how to derive, a table/spreadsheet/xml document of the
> bounding boxes (in decimal degrees) of all of the US Counties (and
> county-like entities)?  
> Chip Taylor
> Prepared Response, Inc

If you can use PostGIS, load this file:
and do a query to extract the bboxes for all the counties.

If you need more help, post a not to the list and I'm sure we can help 
you. If not able to use PostGIS, then use a Perl or PHP shapefile tool 
to extract the bboxes and print them to a text file.


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