Cascading external WMS using basic authentication over https

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI
Fri Jan 18 10:44:44 PST 2008

>> Is it possible to make MapServer to cascade another WMS 
>> service that must be accessed through https and that wants to 
>> get username/password for authentication? How?

>One idea is to pass along the authentication in the form of
>, but that may not be the
>most secure approach.

Well, our MapServer should be a client for the secured one and send usernames and passwords. And that must happen through https, the other end does not listen http. I was just thinking that it cannot be as easy as setting mapfile like

I have found some previous postings telling that Mapserver is supporting https if curl supports it, but not any concrete examples about how to do it.


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