Mapscript and dynamic charting capability

Sylvain Perrinel sylvain.perrinel at AGRICULTURE.GOUV.FR
Wed Jan 23 06:43:17 PST 2008

I was testing dynamic charting with phpmapscript. The constant
'MS_LAYER_CHART'   and the  directives 'CHART_SIZE' and 'CHART_TYPE' work well.

But I've a problem with the keyword 'SIZE' in the style properties. You can
put for this parameter an attribute of your layer  like : SIZE [attribute].
However, the parameter "size" in phpmascript is defined as a long, not a
string. So, mapscript does not want to write the parameter SIZE in the mapfile.

Is anybody meet this problem and resolve it ? Or is it a bug of mapscript ?
I didn't find anything about that on mapserver site.


PS : I've used this How-To located at this page 

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