Googlish MapFile V0.02 - additional files

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Fri Jan 25 07:11:58 PST 2008


The current download contains only the MapFile.  The highway shield TrueType font is one I pulled from the State of Minnesota website, and I'm still looking at what fonts I can redistribute.  We have some in the GeoMoose install, so I'm going to look at those as a replacement for the ones I'm using, which are questionable as far as reuse/licensing goes.


Bob Basques
GIS Systems Developer
City of Saint Paul, MN

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>>> Jim Dahl <jim.dahl at MAIL.CO.DOUGLAS.MN.US> wrote:

I apologize if I made a double post, I have not replied on this list befo=
re so I=20
am learning.

Bob, I think you may have posted this info earlier, but don't recall.  Is=
fontset available?  Is the data a download from tiger?  I plan on using t=
with our own road data, so I will need to change the field items to match=
codes from MNDOT, is that right?

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