is it possible to draw grd file using Mapserver

Murat Beyhan beyhan at DEPREM.GOV.TR
Sun Jan 27 23:56:51 PST 2008

Dear Friend,
I have solved the problem which I published to the list.
Frank, As you said I have used GMT(grdtrack) to interpolate two layers.
Thank you very much for your interest.
Actually I was wondered to do this by mapServer because it is easy to 
create dynamic map using mapserver.

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Murat Beyhan wrote:
>> So I draw both layer by using it's .shp .dbf file.
>> As you see both are point file.
>> But I need to know if I draw both on the one map, Which villages  
>> placed  which zones.
>> Zones could created by using acceleration. For example 0-100 gal is 
>> zone 1, 101-200gal is zone2, etc.
>> I guess, If you draw acceleration using point data you could not 
>> distinguish data as zone.
>> May be by using point data I can obtain grid file or polygon file  
>> than I can determine the village point place on the polygon.
>> When you draw acceleration distribution the shape of the distribution
>> seems circular area then when you classify zones  you can get  result 
>> of the distribution which are divided  into several  level.
> Murat,
> It sounds like you need an algorithm to generate a raster by 
> interpolation
> from your acceleration point data.  There are many options to do this,
> but three that come to mind are GRASS, GMT or the gdal_grid program new
> in GDAL 1.5.
> Once you have an interpolated raster grid of the accelerations you could
> draw each class/range in a distinct color using classes to give a visual
> indication of the zones.
> If you want to know what the zone is for each village I would suggest
> doing this as a distinct processing step.  Something where you sample the
> grid for each village location and attach a new column with the actual
> value, or the corresponding zone.  This might be accomplished as a
> GDAL/OGR script (eg. in python).  I'm sure this is also something that
> can be accomplished in GRASS and perhaps in GMT.
> I guess my main point is that you need to do various preprocessing steps
> before visualization and that these are best done in other packages more
> suited to the task.  As we say "MapServer is not a GIS" which means we 
> aren't
> trying to replicate all sorts of GIS processing in MapServer.
> All that said, in theory you could accomplish something vaguely 
> similar in
> MapServer by writing a complicated mapscript script that for each village
> did a search for the nearest point and apply a zonation on that 
> basis.  But
> I wouldn't advise this approach for performance, complexity and 
> inexactness
> reasons.
> Best regards,

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