MapServer 4.x tutorial error

Pericles S. Nacionales naci0002 at UMN.EDU
Wed Jan 30 15:29:44 PST 2008

Hi Jill,

Looks like your MapServer installation is working so that's good.  
Unfortunately, there are some changes to the way mapfile variables are 
defined via URL between MapServer 4.x and MapServer 5.x.  If you want to 
track the changes yourself, have a look at

Or you can just download the MapServer 5.x demo at

The documentation will hopefully be updated soon.


Jill Recla wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm looking for help with the MapServer 4.x tutorial.  I recently 
> tried to install the uncompiled version of MapServer 5.0.2 on my 
> Windows machine.  I was able to download the source code and GD 
> library, but the link to the Regex library FTP site does not work.  I 
> then decided to install a precompiled version of MapServer.  I already 
> had Apache and PHP installed on my machine, so I did not want to 
> install MS4W over it.  Instead I installed FWTools, which came with 
> MapServer 4.9.  I tested MapServer by typing "mapserv -v" in the 
> command prompt, and by checking the URL.  Both tests indicated that 
> MapServer had been installed correctly.  However, I cannot get the 4.x 
> demo to run.  I edited the necessary variables in the index.html file, 
> but I get the following error:
> loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near 
> (/Web/WebServer/Apache2/htdocs/tmp/):(line 1)
> I have checked the forum archives for information regarding this 
> problem.  There are several posts regarding similar problems, but 
> there is no clear answer as to how to fix it, and the tutorial is 
> relatively vague.  The code for my index.html file is provided below.  
> Does anyone know how to get around this problem??
> Thank you in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Jill Recla
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>   <form name="demo" method="GET" 
> action="/cgi-bin/FWTools2.0.4/bin/mapserv.exe" onSubmit="submit_form()">
>     <input type="hidden" name="layer" value="lakespy2">
>     <input type="hidden" name="layer" value="dlgstln2">
>     <input type="hidden" name="zoomsize" value="2">
>     <input type="hidden" name="map" 
> value="/Web/WebServer/Apache2/htdocs/workshop4x/">
>     <input type="hidden" name="program" 
> value="/cgi-bin/FWTools2.0.4/bin/mapserv.exe">
>     <input type="hidden" name="root" value="/Web/WebServer/Apache2">
>     <input type="hidden" name="map_web_imagepath" 
> value="/Web/WebServer/Apache2/htdocs/tmp/">
>     <input type="hidden" name="map_web_imageurl" value="/tmp/">
>     <select name="map_web_template" size="1">
>       <option value="itasca_basic.html"> Basic Application
>       <option value="itasca_adds_scalebar.html">   -- Adds 
> second scalebar
>       <option value="itasca_adds_pan.html">   -- Adds pan 
> controls
>       <option value="itasca_adds_frames.html">   -- Adds frames
>       <option value="itasca_adds_dhtml.html">   -- Adds 
> dhtml rubber-band box
>     </select>
>     <input type="submit" value="Initialize"></center>
>   </form>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

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