[mapserver-users] Cannot pass variable with php MapScript to the Mapfile

John Beck beckjoh at knology.net
Sun Jul 6 12:26:17 PDT 2008

I have an application in which I pass a variable %table%  thru the url to the Mapserver mapfile and it works great.

My example

<OGRVRTLayer name='data'>
<SrcSQL>SELECT * FROM %table%</SrcSQL> 
<GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='Long' y='Lat'/> 

But now I am trying to use mapscript to print the map and when I call

$image = $mapfile->draw()

I get errors wanting to know the value of %table%

How do I implement this function when using PHP/Mapscript.  When creating a new MapObj and drawing the map,
url-parameters or cookies appear not to be passed to the mapserver. 
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