[mapserver-users] Legends with Imagemaps.

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Thu Jul 17 12:02:11 PDT 2008

This may sound like a weird request, but . . .
Is there any way of generating an Imagemap for a standalone Legend graphic?  Ideally I would like to have the TITLE text to have a corresponding imagemap.  If only the Symbol can be made to have the imagemap, that will work, but having the text  with an imagemap would be better.
The more I think about it though, the more I think a Legend would need to be treated more like a regular layer for this to work cleanly.  I know most folks would just say to use the HTML legends, but I don't need that complication in our setup, as each data custodian is handling their respective cartography.  So this piece about Imagemaps on a legend would be more for them to do.  And teaching all to use HTML Legends is not very cost effective.  But, they all know how to make a template already, so adding in another for a Legend would be doable task.
I want to add in Metadata Linking to the legend imagemaps.  Actually, putting an additional Symbol on each legend item line indicating that there was Metadata available, either from the MAPFILE or via a LINK described in the mapfile would work really well.
Anyway, just had the thought, figured I would bounce it off of the list.
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