[mapserver-users] How to get maximum and minimum height from DTED file

Admin mail_deamon at tlen.pl
Wed Jul 30 00:11:33 PDT 2008

I have to get maximum and minimum height from DTED file. MapServer render it as 8bit gray image. Thats ok, but i also need some information about height of this map. When i open my dted file in OpenEV and i go to the layer properties (Raster Source tab) i see values for Scale Min: and Scale Max:, that means that in dted are stored height information, but when i use gdalinfo i don't see this information. I wrote simple additional cgi program, which have to return me hight information (it will be using external application such as gdalinfo, ogrinfo or something else), but i don't know which console program from FWTools can i use to get this max and min height. Have you got any idea how do this?

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