[mapserver-users] MapServer + SLD + transparency

Yewondwossen Assefa yassefa at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jun 3 12:47:04 PDT 2008

Hi There,

Oscar Gomez wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm having some trouble trying to use SLDs with MapServer.
> I'm requesting maps from GoogleEarth using a NetworkLink object and a 
> custom KML-WMS-KML parser.
> If I apply "simple" symbology through a custom SLD, it works, and the 
> background of the map created by MapServer is transparent, so only the 
> "vectors" are shown in GoogleEarth.
> But if I use an SLD symbology using an external picture 
> (<ExternalGraphic> tag in SLD), then the background of the map created 
> by MapServer is not transparent anymore. Then Google Earth shows a map 
> with white background.

  ExternalGrapphic ends up being transformed into something like this in 
the map file:

  - inline symbol:

     IMAGE "f:/msapps/world_testdata/map/484599a6_1a28_1.gif"
     GAP -20

  and a class

       NAME "Unknown"
         ANGLE 360
         COLOR 255 0 0
         OPACITY 100
         SIZE 10

  I am not sure I see the reason why this would affect the background 

  If possible can you add the symbol manually in the mapfile and see if 
you get the same transparency problem.

  Do we have access to the external symbol you are using?

  I am using the following external symbol in my test 
and I have tried used both agg and gd as a rendering settings and I did 
not see any effects on the background transparency.   Note that I am 
using Mapserver from svn.

Best Regards,

> Has anyone experienced the same? Can this be solved?
> Thanks in advance,
> Oscar
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Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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