[mapserver-users] mapserver wms: srs problem

Matthew Pettis matthew.pettis at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 07:39:10 PDT 2008

Thank you!  I will try this, and the explanation was helpful.

On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Barend Kobben <kobben at itc.nl> wrote:
> It looks like your datastore's SRS is 4326 (latlon on the WGS84). In other
> words, the data in your shapefile, database or raster image are (or are
> advertised to be) in 4326. Its because your data is indeed in that srs
> and/or advertised as such in the Mapfile LAYER as
>          PROJECTION
>             "init=epsg:4326"
>          END
> But you tell the WMS interface that the layer is in 26915, by setting layer
> metadata srs => EPSG:26915
> If you want MS to reproject your data from 4326 to 26915 upon request, make
> sure you set the layerdata projection:
>             "init=epsg:4326"
>          END
> Then make sure you tell the WMS interface to advertise it can be reprojected
> to 26915 by setting it in web metadata srs:
>    "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326 EPSG:26915 EPSG:[others you want to offer]"
> AFAIK there no wms_srs metadata in the LAYER object...
> --
> Barend Köbben
> International Institute for Geo-Information
> Sciences and Earth Observation (ITC)
> PO Box 6
> 7500AA Enschede, The Netherlands
> +31 (0)53 4874253
> On 08-06-08 02:21, "Matthew Pettis" <matthew.pettis at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am not a GIS guy, and am a bit confused by the projection attributes
>> i have to specify in mapserver.  In particular, I have a simple
>> example.  I have a map that has the following metadata:
>> Horizontal Coordinate Scheme     UTM
>> Ellipsoid  GRS80
>> Horizontal Datum  NAD83
>> Horizontal Units  Meters
>> UTM Zone Number  15
>> I believe this translates to an epsg=26915
>> Now, according to mapserver, I have to specify a projection object, a
>> web metadata srs, and a layer metadata srs.
>> To compress the mapfile, i'll just note what i have specified for each
>> of these settings.
>> First, I would think that this would work:
>> projection => init=epsg:26915
>> web metadata srs => EPSG:26915
>> layer metadata srs => EPSG:26915
>> this give me the error:
>> msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS Server Error. Invalid SRS given.  SRS
>> must be valid for all requested layers.
>> I only have the one layer (it's of the state of MN from www.gis.leg.mn).
>> However, the following renders, but I don't think it is the projection
>> i want (as the top of MN is too wide):
>> projection => init=epsg:26915
>> web metadata srs => EPSG:26915
>> layer metadata srs => EPSG:4326
>> Now, I am using mapserver as a WMS.  Before I was using it NOT as a
>> WMS, but just making it render the shapefile without any projection
>> information, it worked, and it was the projection I had come to expect
>> when seeing the state of MN rendered.
>> Why does my first configuration give me an error?
>> How can I make it render in the way I expect without giving mapserver
>> explicit projection instructions?
>> please forgive the ignorance of map projection knowledge.
>> thanks,
>> matt
> International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
> Chamber of Commerce: 410 27 560
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