Rép. : [mapserver-users] layer in chameleon
simon.mercier at msp.gouv.qc.ca
Fri Jun 13 07:04:42 PDT 2008
This is not a "build-in" feature in Chameleon. If your raster is in the
same spatial reference, use gdal to build a tileindex and show all your
raster in one layer... In our organisation we have the same needs and we
ask to Mapgears to build it for us.... If you need it, we can put this
new feature somewhere on the Web...
Simon Mercier
Analyste en Géomatique
DTI - Service de l'infrastructure et du réseau
Direction des technologies de l'information
Ministère de la Sécurité publique
2525, boulevard Laurier, Tour du Saint-Laurent, 10e étage
Québec (QC) G1V 2L2
Téléphone : (418) 646-5687
Télécopie : (418) 643-0787
Courriel : simon.mercier at msp.gouv.qc.ca
>>> "Henric Ernstson" <henric at ernstson.nu> 13/6/2008 8:48 >>>
Hi list, a simple q. probebly,
I am looking how to only show the group-name of a large set of
rastermaps in
the legend, how do I do that?
The rest of layers (ogr-from a mySQL) I would like to present normal in
Legend. I now show all layers, including the rastermaps.
Best reg.
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