[mapserver-users] 64 bits version of MapServer

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 14:16:36 EDT 2008


The mapsever buildbot currently produces 64 bit binaries, you could
download the results (for testing purposes) for both platforms using
the following links:


However I`m not sure in that all of the required dependencies have
been compiled in. Currently there`s no exact measures about the
performance differences but I doubt if the x64 version has significant
performance increment.
Are you using the mapserver CGI, fast CGI or the scripting interface?

Best regards,


2008/6/16 Léveillé, James <James.Leveille at mtq.gouv.qc.ca>:
> Hi,
> We've been using MapServer for a while. It has been used to produce maps for
> the "Inforoutière", the official source of all the information needed to
> plan safe trips on Québec's road network, whatever the season.
> It has been running on Windows 2003 (32 bits) for over a year.
> At the beginning, many "stress tests" were realised.
> We were able to generate around 12 maps / second.
> But now, due to the popularity of the site, this seems not to be enough in
> special occasions, such as during a snow storm.
> The bottle neck seems to be the CPU.
> One of the few options we were looking at is the possibility of using a 64
> bits version of MapServer (on a 64 bits OS of course).
> My question is simple : has any one tested a 64 bits version ? Can I expect
> a better performance ? Is there a 64 bits version available for download
> (I've been using the MS4W Windows binary distribution version) ?
> Thanks in advance.
> ______________________________________________________
> Service des systèmes de Mission
> Direction des technologies de l'information
> Ministère des Transports du Québec
> 5833, boul. Pierre-Bertrand, 2ième étage
> Québec (Québec) G2K 1K7
> Téléphone:   (418) 380-2005 poste 227
> Télécopieur: (418) 644-6653
> james.leveille at mtq.gouv.qc.ca
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