[mapserver-users] MapScript: HOW to get query result in NEW img

Pietro Giannini pgiannini at bytewise.it
Fri Jun 27 11:43:43 EDT 2008


the querybypoint() method don't affect the extent of the map.

do you set in some part of your code the extent of the map?
I suppose in the html code you get the extent, e.g :

<form name="main" method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>>"
<input type="hidden" name="extent" value="<?php echo
$mapobj->extent->minx." ".$mapobj->extent->miny."
".$mapobj->extent->maxx." ".$mapobj->extent->maxy; ?>">



to, in the postback, set the extent of the map with $mapobj->setextent() -
or zoompoint(), zoomrectangle(), zoomscale()...

without this setting the map is drawn in the extent defined in your mapfile.

maybe you have a "zoom" parameter set which influences the extent?

pls post the html code too.

On Ven, Giugno 27, 2008 15:55, Marco Foi wrote:
> I need to query a map and have the result displayed in a different image.
> BUT the main image is affected by the query and
> gets recentered on the SAME EXTENT of the query map.
> I'm using PHP MapScript
> Here is the 'core' of my code:
> // create a new point object at the clicked
> coordinates, to use it in queryByPoint
> $querypoint = ms_newPointObj();
> //$cy & $cy are the conversion in map units of
> the image coordinates of the queryed point on the map
> $querypoint->SetXY($cx, $cy);
> [...]
> //define the layer that will be queryed
> $layertoquery =$map->getLayerByName('geology');
> //perform the query
> $res = $layertoquery->queryByPoint($querypoint, MS_SINGLE,
> ($map->cellsize)*5);
> //FIRST draw the map image
> $image=$map->draw();
> $image_url=$image->saveWebImage();
> //THEN draw the query image
> $thequerymap = $map->drawQuery();
> $querymap_url=$thequerymap->saveWebImage();
> BUT $image_url IS AFFECTED by the query and
> displays che same extent of $querymap_url
> How can I avoid this?
> Marco
> At 18.48 25/06/2008, you wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Marco,
> I suppose you are using mapscript - php or other - in your application.
> The postback of your page send not only the click point, but - maybe -
> other parameters.
> Whit some javascript you can set a parameter wich tell your app not to
> affect the main map, but only the query map.
> Please post your code, html and scripts, for more specific help.
> ciao
> ..........................pg
> --
> Pietro Giannini
> Bytewise srl - Area GIS
> 41°50'38.58"N 12°29'13.39"E
> On Mer, Giugno 25, 2008 15:46, Marco Foi wrote:
>  > Hi all!
>  >
>  > I need to let the user queryByPoint (click) on a
>  > "mainmap" and get the result displayed on a
>  > second image WITHOUT influencing the "mainmap".
>  >
>  > I tryed but the when i use the drawQuery() method
>  > it seems that also the "mainmap" is affected: it
>  > gets zoomed to the center of the feature (poligon) queryed.
>  > At the end the only difference between the two
>  > maps is that the image result of the query has
>  > the feature HILITED while the mainmap not.
>  >
>  > How can I avoid the problem?
>  >
>  > Marco Foi
>  >
>  > Dip. di Scienze della Terra "A.Desio"
>  > Sezione di Geologia e Paleontologia
>  > http://www.gp.terra.unimi.it
>  > Università degli Studi di Milano
>  > Via.Luigi Mangiagalli n.34 Cap.20133 Milano
>  > Laboratorio Informatico - Tel. 02- 503 15 503
>  > E-mail marco.foi at unimi.it
>  >
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>  > mapserver-users mailing list
>  > mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
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>  >
> ------------------------------------------------------------

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