[mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo XML result is not encoded at all

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Jun 27 10:55:12 PDT 2008

What you observed is correct: the wms_encoding metadata is only used to 
fill the encoding parameter of the <?xml ...> element in the GML 
response header. The current version of MapServer doesn't make any 
attempt of converting the encoding of the source data (if different) to 
that encoding.

The simple solution is to use the same encoding for both the mapfile and 
all your data, and then wms_encoding can be used to set the encoding 
name in the header and everything should work smoothly.


SAEZ Laurent - CETE Méditerr./DI/ETER wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have :
>     * mapserver 4.99,
>     * a mapfile utf-8 encoded,
>     * a mapinfo file create on windows (encoding cp1252).
> Extract of my mapfile (utf-8 encoded) :
> "...
> METADATA (of the map block)
> ...
> ...
> METADATA (of my layer)
>     WMS_TITLE "TRONCON_ROUTE par Classement_Administratif_Route"
>     WMS_EXTENT "73114.958418 1622638.022606 1197702.049962 2676196.041411"
>     gml_include_items 
> "Id_Route120,Vocation,Nombre_Chaussees,Nombre_Voies,Ouverture,Acces,Reseau_Vert,Sens,Reseau_Europeen,Numero_Route,Classement_Administratif_Route,Longueur_Troncon"
> gml_Nombre_Chaussees_alias "Nombre_Chaussées"
> ...."
> I have to make WMS/GetFeatureInfo requests (with 
> INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml).
> I've made several tests and it seems that :
>     * WMS_ENCODING doens't encode anything. It just puts the right
>       header of the XML returned (example : <?xml version="1.0"
>       encoding="UTF-8"?>)
>     * the XML tags name are putted as they're coded in the mapfile
>       (example : <Nombre_Chaussées>1 chauss�e</Nombre_Chaussées>),
>     * the XML tags values are putted as they're coded in the data source
>       (example : see above).
> So, if I change MWS_ENCODING to ISO-8859-1 (in my mapfile UTF-8 encoded) 
> the only thing that changes is the XML header : <?xml version="1.0" 
> encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> The tags names and values are not encoded in ISO-8859-1. They're like 
> I've explain above.
> If I try to read my ISO-8859-1 GetFeatureInfo XML with FireFox, it warns 
> that the XML is not well formed
> (in my case at the line : <Nombre_Chaussées>2 
> chaussées</Nombre_Chaussées>).
> NB : I've tried with GML_ENCODING with the same results.
> If I want all working right I have to :
>    1. encode my mapfile into the same encoding than my data (it isn't
>       very easy because I've mapinfo files in cp1252 and PostGIS data in
>       utf-8),
>    2. use WMS_ENCODING with ISO-8859-1 value (that is the default value).
> I wonder if I have all understood !
> I would like that someone explains to me what I have not understood 
> and/or what I'm doing wrong.
> Thanks for help
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Daniel Morissette

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