[mapserver-users] no geotiff in mapserver rpm?

Wendell Turner wendell at enflight.com
Mon Jun 30 11:18:01 PDT 2008

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 01:58:22PM -0400, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Wendell Turner wrote:
>> Why does the mapserv program in the mapserver-5.0.2-4.2 rpm
>> not support geotiff as input?  Isn't geotiff a common format
>> for this type of application?  Or is it that geotiff files
>> are served up as (plain) raster images with a shapefile?
> Wendell,
> How did you determine that geotiff is not supported?  Generally MapServer
> is built --without-tiff allowing tiff support to be provided by GDAL.
> It might also be helpful if you indicated the source of the .rpm you are
> referring to since I don't think it is an official product of the project
> and there are a number of sources for rpms.

Thank you for the quick response.

The rpm was from one of the CentOS5 repositories,  actual
rpm is mapserver-5.0.2-4.2.i386.rpm, I think I got it from
somewhere at rpm.pbone.net, possibly here

mapserv -v does not show 'input=geotiff', which  I thought
was bad.  So then, the proper way is to generate a shapefile
for the geotiff file, have mapserver read the shapefile for
parameters, and use the gdal library to do the
geotiff/raster processing?  Is a raster image with
associated shapefile about the same as a geotiff (as far as
pixels + metadata about the position, projection, etc)?

Thanks again,


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