[mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo from PostGis database
"SAEZ Laurent - CETE Méditerr./DI/ETER"
Laurent.Saez at developpement-durable.gouv.fr
Mon Jun 30 23:29:24 PDT 2008
Hi Guillaume,
You're right. A friend of mine has told me the same thing this morning.
It works goo ! Youpi !
Thank you very much for your help
Le 01/07/2008 07:53, > Guillaume Sueur (par Internet) a écrit :
> add gid to the SQL string :
> DATA "the_geom FROM (select gid, numero, feuille,
> the_geom FROM localisant) as foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=27582"
> and try to use EPSG:27572 as 27582 is deprecated.
> Regards,
> GUillaume
> SAEZ Laurent - CETE Méditerr./DI/ETER a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I've tried to use the gid column, but the getfeatureinfo reports me an
>> error :
>> "Postgresql reports the error as 'ERREUR: la colonne «gid»
>> n'existe pas
>> '"
>> The error tells me that the gid column doesn't exist. You can trust me,
>> I have a field called gid.
>> Thanks
>> Le 30/06/2008 19:49, > Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) (par Internet) a
>> écrit :
>>> You shouldn't use the geometry column as the unique column (USING
>>> UNIQUE X).
>>> Try an integer type column for that.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bart
>>> SAEZ Laurent - CETE Méditerr./DI/ETER wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I'm trying to access data fields using getfeatureinfo from a PostGIS
>>>> database.
>>>> I've read some articles about it, but it seems that I'm a newbie.
>>>> I've no problem with data access when I do some getmap requests.
>>>> Here is a part of my mapfile :
>>>> LAYER
>>>> NAME "bdparcellaire_numero"
>>>> TYPE annotation
>>>> TEMPLATE "blank.html"
>>>> MINSCALE 100
>>>> MAXSCALE 10000
>>>> CONNECTION "user=toto password=toto
>>>> dbname=bdparcellaire_2007 host= port=5432"
>>>> LABELITEM "numero"
>>>> CLASS
>>>> LABEL
>>>> WRAP "#"
>>>> COLOR 0 0 0
>>>> OUTLINECOLOR 254 254 254
>>>> FONT arial
>>>> SIZE 9
>>>> FORCE false
>>>> PARTIALS false
>>>> END
>>>> END
>>>> WMS_TITLE "Numéros de parcelle (Données BD Parcellaire® -
>>>> Copyright IGN)"
>>>> wms_abstract "Visible entre les échelles 1/100 et 1/10
>>>> 000" wms_srs "EPSG:27582 EPSG:27581 EPSG:27583
>>>> EPSG:27584 EPSG:27591 EPSG:27592 EPSG:27593 EPSG:27594 EPSG:2154
>>>> EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632
>>>> EPSG:4326"
>>>> wms_extent "47650 1620400 1197850 2677450"
>>>> END
>>>> END
>>>> When I try this getfeatureinfo request, the XML returned is not
>>>> complete :
>>>> The request :
>>>> http://myIP/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/data/carto/ref/bdparcellaire/bdparcellaire_2007_direct.map&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&SRS=EPSG%3A27582&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=400&BBOX=643470,1743572,643590,1743652&LAYERS=bdparcellaire_numero&STYLES=&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&QUERY_LAYERS=bdparcellaire_numero&X=167&Y=175&INFO_FORMAT=application%2Fvnd.ogc.gml&FEATURE_COUNT=999
>>>> The entire XML :
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>> <msGMLOutput
>>>> xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"
>>>> xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
>>>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
>>>> <bdparcellaire_numero_layer>
>>>> Why it doesn't work ?
>>>> I know that it should be in my DATA object in my mapfile, but I don't
>>>> know what exactly...
>>>> Thanks a lot...
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