VS: [mapserver-users] Hiding overviews

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Wed Mar 5 02:53:55 PST 2008


I've never tried myself, but I would not be surprised if you could do something of that kind with GROUP in LAYER object. Excerpt from mapfile reference http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/reference/mapfile/layer follows.

GROUP [name]
    Name of a group that this layer belongs to. The group name can then be reference as a regular layer name in the template files, allowing to do things like turning on and off a group of layers at once.

-Jukka Rahkonen-


> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
> Lähettäjä: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org 
> [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Puolesta 
> Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLK
> Lähetetty: 5. maaliskuuta 2008 10:24
> Vastaanottaja: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Aihe: [mapserver-users] Hiding overviews
> Hello everybody!
> I've build external overviews, both with raster and vector 
> data, put them into layers with MIN-/MAXSCALE and it works 
> like a charme. My only problem is that I can not get the 
> switching of those layers transparent to the user. A 
> "GetCapabilities"-WMS-Request returns all layers separately. 
> But it makes no sense for the user to turn only one layer 
> on/off. Instead the only useful thing a user can do is 
> switching the hole _group_ of detail/overview layers on/off.
> So is there a way to only show the hole group as _one_ single 
> layer in a WMS with mapserver? The WMS specs (v1.3.0) 
> suggests that only the group layer should have a name, the 
> single detail/overview layers should not.
> Therefore only the group layer can be contained in a WMS 
> request and should be shown by a WMS client as one single 
> layer, I think.
> It would be nice to make external overviews appear as 
> transparent as GeoTIFF's internal overviews... Any tipps, 
> suggestions, help?
> Thanks a lot!
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