[mapserver-users] cannot compile --with-fastcgi

Ivan Mincik ivan.mincik at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 09:19:13 EDT 2008

I am want to compile latest mapserver sources (latest stable and also nigthly 
builds) with option "--with-fastcgi=/usr "
I allways get error: "configure: error: Unable to link 
against -L/usr/lib -lfcgi"

I have tried also --with-fastcgi=/usr/lib and so on.

Files related to fcgi module are here:

My whole configure options:
	  --prefix=/usr \
                --enable-debug \
                --without-tiff \
                --without-pdf \
                --with-gd=/usr \
                --with-freetype=/usr \
                --with-zlib=/usr \
                --with-png=/usr \
                --with-xpm=/usr \
                --with-jpeg=/usr \
                --with-gdal \
                --with-ogr \
                --with-proj \
                --with-eppl \
                --with-postgis \
                --with-wcs \
                --with-wms \
                --with-wmsclient \
                --with-wfs \
                --with-wfsclient \
                --with-threads \
                --with-agg=/usr \
                --with-fastcgi=/usr \


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