VS: [mapserver-users] MapServer 4.8.3: MapScript setProjection

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Wed Mar 12 08:26:33 PDT 2008

>  Well so far, I have tried to set my projection to

 >  '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000
+y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=OSB36 +units=m +no_defs'
 >  '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000
+y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs'
 >  '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000
+y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=osb36 +units=m +no_defs'
 >  '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000
+y_0=-100000 +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs'
 >  '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.999601 +x_0=400000
+y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy  +units=m +no_defs'

 >  but it only works with
 >  'init=epsg:27700'  
Don't give up, it will work.  Error messages do not alway mean what they
say.  Play with single and double quatas; insert the strings for
epsg:4326 or some other projection in order to see if you still get the
same error. 

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