[mapserver-users] javascript & mapserver
Janosch.Skrobek at trier.de
Janosch.Skrobek at trier.de
Mon Mar 31 02:39:45 PDT 2008
Hello everyone,
Writing this in the template file produces my map with the option for a
rubber band box:
<applet codebase="/js/jBox" archive="jBoxPNG.jar,png.jar"
code="jBoxPNG.class" width="450" height="450" name="jBox">
<param name="image" value="http://[host][img]">
Now I'm trying to implement my applet in a way that it doesnt require
the activation-click for IE6 users.
Following this guide
ide/)it should work like this:
In the js-file:
document.write('<applet codebase="/tutorial/java/jBox"
archive="jBoxPNG.jar,png.jar" code="jBoxPNG.class" width="450"
height="450" name="jBox"');
document.write('<param name="image" value="http://[host][img]">');
In the template:
<script src="/js/dmap.js"></script>
The script is being loaded but I get the following error:
"Applet error. Malformed image url"
I tried replacing the image url with a direct image url to an existing
image but still the same error.
Unfortunately I'm completely new to javascript and can't seem to solve
Any help would be appreciated.
Best Regards
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