[MAPSERVER-USERS] Any other Routing solution than pgRouting/Oracle NDM ?

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri May 2 08:03:43 PDT 2008

riteshambastha wrote:
> Dear friends, 
> I have seen routing based on postgis routing and oracle network data models.
> Even though, they serve the purpose very efficiently, they take some
> 1sec/2sec/3sec to display the routes. I checked them with OpenLayers and
> Ka-map. Still, I feel there must be a way to reduce this route display time.
> Is there any any other ways to show routing/directions over mapserver based
> maps? Any other data structure and programming in C/python can serve the
> purpose ?

What is taking too long?
1) is it the route computation
2) transfering the route data to OpenLayers
3) rendering the route data as a vector layer

Have you considered writing some code on the server that generates an 
image file from the route data and returns a url for the image that can 
be then pinned to OpenLayers like a marker? You could do this by writing 
a wrapper in your favorite scripting language around the request to 
generate the route.

-Steve W

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