[MAPSERVER-USERS] problem with GeomFromText - updating PostGis table

SUSANNE susanne.kalliany at tefis.at
Sun May 4 23:39:59 PDT 2008

Hello to everyone,

I have a mapserver/PostGreSQL/PostGis application where I am now able to
show PostGis layers.

To insert lines I want to set following commands with php:

$sql_i = "insert into zobject3 (the_geom) VALUES (GeomFromText('linestring
(-99232 261118,-98232 262118)',31282) ) ";

I get following error message:
Query failed: ERROR Invalid OGC WKT (does not start with P,L,M,C or G)

Inserting a (non geomtric parameter) with following command works OK:

$sql_i = "insert into zobject3 (name) VALUES ("test")

I would be very pleased if anyone can give me some usefull hint. 

Thanks a lot, 

Susanne Kalliany

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/problem-with-GeomFromText---updating-PostGis-table-tp17053945p17053945.html
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